
Author: Raina Telgemeier 2016           The story follows a family moving to a city on the northern coast of California, called Bahía de la Luna. Catrina is the older sister of Maya, she’s shy compared to her sister and afraid of ghosts. Maya is outgoing, but her temperament is dampened by her cystic fibrosis whichContinue reading Ghosts

The Rithmatist

Author: Brandon Sanderson 2013 Imagine that your little stick figure drawings came to life, what would you do? What would they do? In The Rithmatist, some people have the ability to bring drawings to life. These people are called rithmatists. The rithmatists need to serve 10 years on an island using those drawings made ofContinue reading “The Rithmatist”

Tsubasa World Chronicle

Author: CLAMP Published in 2015 Tsubasa is a Manga, so a Japanese comic. The art is done by CLAMP an all girl comic book artist team, which produced many popular hits such has Cardcaptor, XXXHolic, Chobits and Blood-C, just to name a few.           The story follows Syaoran, Kurogane, Mokona and Fai. They are aContinue reading “Tsubasa World Chronicle”


Soulless is set in an alternate Victorian England. A version different to the one we know; with werewolves, vampires and technology that is far more advanced than what it actually was. The story follows Alexia, who is far from your normal spinster. She is quite different to humans, seeming distant and eccentric. Even the supernaturalContinue reading “Soulless”

His Majesty’s Dragon

His Majesty’s Dragon is the first book in Naomi Novik’s Temeraire series. It introduces Novik’s readers to a fantastic, yet familiar, world. Set during the Napoleonic wars, these books ask the deceptively simple question: but what if there were dragons? Will Laurence is a Captain in the British Navy, fighting Napoleon’s army alongside his crew.Continue reading “His Majesty’s Dragon”